Accademia Lizard

Padova, Italy

May 14, 2023

10:00 am to 1:00pm, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Morning topics


The evolution of Joni Mitchell as a songwriter

Biography, summary

Early education

Musical influences

Selection of top ten tunes


Experience with polio

Evolution of open tunings and demo

Analysis: Album, Hejira

Listening, the song Hejira, translation of text and discussion

Discussion of album cover and themes

Listening, Amelia, translation of text and discussion


Lucio Dalla’s debut song album, “Come é profondo il mare”

Brainstorming exercise of thematic vocabulary

Discussion of song text and context of the album

Fabrizio DeAndre’s “La Guerra di Piero”

Brainstorming exercise of thematic vocabulary


My personal evolution as a songwriter

Demo of open tunings

Presentation of the creative process of the song 

How to, the creative process:

tuning, emotion, word, brainstorming, theme, rhyming words, improvised melody, polished lyrics

Presentation of the song “Faith Healers”

1:00 to 2:00pm 



Creative process behind the song “Holy Mary Jean”


Student presentations

3:15 Creative work, use of brainstorming words for “La Guerra di Piero”

Individual lyrics work

3:45 Collective reading

Individual melody work

4:20 Collective melody work

4:45 Question and closing remarks